This classic Louis XIV style armchair is hand-carved in old-growth French walnut, giving it a beautiful patina. With its broad seat and straight back, this chair is typical of the style from earlier in the reign of Louis XIV when the armchair was evolving from the smaller, straight-backed chairs of Louis XIII's time to accommodate the more ample and elaborate clothing popular in during the later King's reign at Versailles.
What is most striking about these chairs are the intricately carved lions' heads acting as the front of the armrests. Reminding us more of the lions with stylized manes from sculpture of Hellenistic Greece than those commonly depicted in 19th century French furniture, they are magnificently rendered and flawlessly preserved.
In keeping with the leonine theme when restoring and recovering this chair, we selected a fabric featuring lions rampant in a broad coat-of-arms including a crown and fleur-de-lys. The field is a rich burgundy color highlighted with blue, red and gold.
As with all our chairs, this one is sturdy with all the joints strong — no wobbles.
Quette, Anne-Marie, Le Mobilier Français Louis XIII et Louis XIV (Editions Massin, Paris, 1996); Un Temps d'Exubérance, Les Arts Décoratifs sous Louis XIII et Anne d'Autriche, Paris, Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais (Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 2002); Rousseau, Francis, Le Grand Livre des Meubles (Copyright Studio, Paris, 1999)
Ideal for home or business, this chair will command attention and provide comfortable seating in virtually any setting.