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Rah Rah for Renaissance Style Antique Furniture from France
5334 Pair of
in Fontainebleau Style $7,380
9460 Antique Box or
with Wine Theme $2,480
5223 Gothic Breton Cabinet with Renaissance Panels $4,680
3092 French Renaissance Armoire $7,887
5190 Pair of French
5180 Heavily Carved Renaissance Chest $8,795
5303 Oval Walnut Table $6,260
3315 Candelabrum in Gilt-Wood $987
5172 Mirror with Papal Coat-of-Arms $3,244
5219 Draw-Leaf Dining Table Inspired by Fontainebleau $9,895
5183A Fontainebleau Buffet Cabinet $4,366
5212 Antique Throne Chair with Grotesque $4,675
5154 François I Style Chest with Salamander $3,995
5144 Small Mirror with Oak and Olive Leaves $3,495
5181 Renaissance Library Table with Extensions $3,895
5220 Renaissance (Fontainebleau) Sgabello $4,995
5227 Renaissance Chest with Linear Perspective $11,995
9227 Large Mirror Inspired by Fontainebleau $8,995
5182 Renaissance Library or Game Table $11,195
Cabinet $2,295
4175 Six Leather Dining Chairs with Crowns $2,895
4188 Italian Renaissance Dining Table $2,125
3213 Fontainebleau Style Chest $3,662
9220 Large Mirror in Walnut Frame $987
5115 Trestle Table with
9230 Small Buffet Cabinet $2,295
5222 Pair of French
4112 Small Dining Table with Extensions $2,395
3306 French Antique Sideboard $1,027
4124 Eight Leather Dining Chairs $5,195
4131 Floor Lamp with Table $895
1034 17th Century Chest with Fleur-de-Lys $2,487
Table with Extensions $2,995
1016 Renaissance Cabinet with Medallions $1,295
3087 Reproduction Louis XIII Armchairs $200 each
9330 Louis XIII Chest $964
5109 Louis XIII Writing Desk $1,995
4157 Cabinet with Cherubs and Dolphins $3,985
3112 Renaissance Walnut Bench $2,495
4152 Chest with Diamond Panels $1,495
3304 Renaissance
Table $3,865
4159 Italian Credenza $2,295
4130 Renaissance Bench in Leather $4,995
5145 Small Octagonal Table $2,495
1024 Henri II Cabinet $1,347
4127 Renaissance Armchair with Medusa and Dolphins $2,687
4176 Antique Italian Dining Table $2,125
3307 Italian Buffet Cabinet $2,675
4128 Six Renaissance Leather Dining Chairs $5,995
9211 Dining Table and 6 Chairs from Provence $4,985
Cabinet $2,875
3312 Leather Dining Chairs $795
4137 Massive Trestle Table $7,343
3094A Cabinet with Dolphins $1,875
4129 Dining Chairs Hand-Tooled Leather $2,895
4107 Small Oval Dining Table $1,375
3094B Renaissance Buffet Cabinet $1,595
3221 Pair of "X" Chairs $897
4104 Louis XIII Table with Inlaid Top $1,585
9225 Library Cabinet with Lighting $8,888
3301 Pair of Tuscan-Style Renaissance Armchairs $2,214
4103 Small Henri II Writing Table $1,363
9240 Library Cabinet $2,465
3310 Pair of Renaissance Walnut Armchairs $3,495
1018 Louis XIII Armoire $2,995
5108 Pair of Children's
Fauteuils Dagobert
3303 Pedestal Desk with Parquet Top $2,388
3110 Pair of Renaissance Dining Chairs $1,347
9219 Small Henri II Table $5,995
9210 Renaissance Library Table with Fleurs-de-Lys $8,795
9280 Large Louis XIII Desk $3,995
9310 Louis XIII Table $2,995
5192 Library Table in Walnut $3,695
Request more information on item 5311 Pair of French Antique Sgabelli $3,695 (45¼H; 19W; 19½D)
Request more information on item 5333 Massive Cabinet $6,287 (81H; 67½W; 25½D)
Request more information on item 5196 Pair of Walnut Columns $1,378 (46H; 13W)
Request more information on item 5341 Four Italian Renaissance Style Chairs $3,295 (42½H; 17W; 14½D)
Request more information on item 5335 Sgabello $2,865 (50H; 18W; 24D)
Request more information on item 5169 Renaissance Chest $2195 (28H; 31½W; 18D)
Request more information on item 5167 Tuscan Style Chairs $2,495 (49H; 20W; 15D)
Request more information on item 4135 Six Leather Dining Chairs $2,995
Request more information on item 4151 Small Renaissance Table $3,195 (29H; 34W; 20D)
Request more information on item 5162 Plant Stand $1,795 (29H; 15W; 15D)
9218 Renaissance Trestle Table with Four Winds
Request more information on item 5168 Marble-Top Pedestal $3,295
9440 Buffet Cabinet with Lions
4116 Savonarola Chair with Medici Coat-of-Arms
3097 Chivalry Cabinet
5119 Twelve Leather Dining Chairs
5171 Cabinet with
1035 Massive Louis XIII Cabinet
4193 Pair of Fauteuils Dagobert
4187 Pair of Savonarola Chairs
4109 Italian Style Chest
5101 Savonarola Chairs with Lions
3223 Henri II Style Octagonal Table
5102 Pair of
Fauteuils Dagobert
3109 Louis XIV Armchair with Lions
4165 Intricately Carved Oak Columns
5126 French Farm Table